Hi, thanks mate. You made me starting with the elektronika 4.13. Have gathered more informations tough. I'm about to put all the missing things to a project on Thingiverse.com. The making of a replica of the 413 pcb (at least). https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5029035 The alarm audio driver schematics using just three transistors. The generator has the ZP-1 using the feed back wire. The portion of the schematics https://cdn.thingiverse.com/assets/b8/9a/a5/0e/12/large_display_413_transistor_audio.jpg
Спасибо, помогла ваша инструкция. Все настроил, как часики 80-тых...
ОтветитьУдалитьthanks mate.
You made me starting with the elektronika 4.13.
Have gathered more informations tough.
I'm about to put all the missing things to a project on Thingiverse.com.
The making of a replica of the 413 pcb (at least).
The alarm audio driver schematics using just three transistors.
The generator has the ZP-1 using the feed back wire.
The portion of the schematics